#WednesdayWisdom: For a Better Me

In today’s post I want to appeal to all who have despaired. I know that every year each writes their wishes and tries to implement them. But not every time things go as we want. The key is not despair and continue to believe. Because things will happen sooner or later. Sometimes not as we have planned, but they will came one day. Personally, I plan everything ahead. I know when what I want things to happen, but often things do not go well … but I still believe.

Now it’s your turn. You have 60 days to turn wishes into reality. But even if something does not happen, do not give up. 2017 is coming, which will bring more opportunities. Do not forget to be optimistic and open-minded.

Have a great day!



Post inspired by Taye Hansberry.
Thanks to Vicky who helped me improving my article.

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